Parameter umum sareng prinsip operasi mesin shot blasting


Qingdao Puhua Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. bakal ngarobih parameter umum sareng prinsip operasi tina mesin blasting shot pikeun anjeun:
Dinamakéna alat peledakanmékanisme anu parantos urang tingali sateuacanna, objék panilitian mangrupikeun prinsip damel sareng struktur pakakas mesin shot blasting, pangropéa sapopoé sareng poin utama anu sanés, janten sistem siklus pendinginan mesin blasting shot bakal langkung disaring sareng Kanggo panilitian anu taliti, anu editor ieu bakal ngagantelkeun parameter parangkat.
Data parameter umum tina mesin blasting shot:

Kandelna pelat waja nyaéta 600 ~ 1200mm, shot shot blasting aslina nyaéta 3400KG, jumlah alat blasting shot sakitar 7 ~ 13, laju alat shot blasting nyaéta 1500 ~ 2500 révolusi, sareng kakuatan kaluaranmakéna alat peledakannyaéta 90 / KW.

Prinsip kerja mesin shot blasting
1.Themakéna mesin blastingbakal ngahasilkeun gaya séntrifugal sareng gaya anu sabalikna nalika muter dina kecepatan luhur. Ngan ku cara ieu shot shot blasting speed ningkat kana kaayaan, anu mempermudah formasi aliran hawa dina rotasi gancang-gancang, supados permukaan bahan logam tiasa kéngingkeun lapisan résistansi oksidasi.
2.When the makéna alat peledakanthrows the metal material layer, it is to clean up the rusty iron and oxide layer on the surface of the workpiece. It will enter the transportation room through the bottom of the makéna alat peledakanfor lifting, and the lifter will automatically send the shot material after it is separated. In the recycling system of the makéna mesin blasting, waste is recycled to reduce labor costs.
3.Because the makéna mesin blasting adopts a fully enclosed mode, the workpiece makéna mesin blasting produces a strong impact effect during high-speed operation, and will be worn to a certain extent by the outside of the makéna mesin blasting itself, so the equipment will be equipped with a cleaning room inside. The dust and debris left behind during the makéna mesin blasting are well treated.
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