Jenis umum tina mesin shot blasting


Roller shot mesin blasting:

Ciri nyaéta yén bahan shot blasting rotates di speed tinggi ngaliwatan roller atawa baki, ku kituna bahan shot blasting disemprot onto beungeut workpiece nu.

Ieu cocog pikeun ngolah bets badag workpieces badag-ukuran, kayaning awak mobil, cangkang alat mesin, jsb.

Bolong sabuk shot blasting mesin:

workpiece nu asup ka aréa shot blasting ngaliwatan sabuk conveyor, sarta bahan shot blasting cleans beungeut workpiece ti sababaraha sudut.

Ieu cocog pikeun ngolah strips panjang tur workpieces ipis-walled, kayaning pipa, propil, jsb.

Hook shot mesin peledakan:

workpiece nu asup kana aréa shot blasting ngaliwatan alat gantung, sarta bahan shot blasting disemprot onto beungeut workpiece ti duanana arah luhur jeung handap.

Ieu cocog pikeun ngolah workpieces badag tur beurat, kayaning silinder mesin, jsb.

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